Let’s hear where council stands

As a political junkie and arm chair critic, I wanted to know how our councillor/ delegates to the recent UBCM AGM voted on motions.

As a political junkie and  arm chair critic, I wanted to know how  our councillor/ delegates  to the recent UBCM AGM  voted on the  pro-marijuana decriminalization  and  no-tanker motions.

I thought it would be interesting for all their constituents, as well as myself,  to see where they stood on these controversial issues.  Only two, councillors Surinderpal Rathor and Geoff Bourdon, have answered so far. I’m writing this on Thursday because of the holiday, so I’ll wait to comment until the others respond. I’m sure they’ve just been busy.


As expected, a goodly number of citizens turned out  last Tuesday to discuss SD#27’s Initial Options Report. Also as expected, few of the attendees were  impressed. Let’s hope, that however this all turns out, the end result is what is best for the students. Is anyone lobbying Victoria for more funding?


The tainted meat affair is a good reason to buy local as much as we can.  The bigger the business the bigger the problem is when something goes wrong. Fortunately no one died this time. Will anyone ever be held accountable? XL foods will take a financial hit, but so will the cattlemen,    retailers and consumers who did nothing wrong. What did happen? Was it a staff mistake? Too few  inspectors? An incompetent agriculture minister? All of the above? I bet we’ll never know.


To end on a happier note. I am not a Stephen Harper fan but have to give credit where credit is due. He and whoever helps him choose BC’s Lt. Governors do a stellar job.

Outgoing LG Steven Point did us proud, and there is every reason to believe his successor, Merritt rancher and former BC Cattlemen’s president Judy Guichon, will do the same. All the nice things that have been written and said about her  are  right on.

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian , and book author.

Williams Lake Tribune