Let’s not trash incinerator plan just yet

Do not be too hasty to say no to a Duke Point waste operation. Times have changed and so has the way the world looks at garbage.

To the Editor,

Re: Region expresses opposition to any waste incinerator plan, Aug. 27.

Do not be too hasty to say no to a Duke Point waste operation. Times have changed and so has the way the world looks at garbage. It may be time for us to look at the old problem in a new way.

What I find most interesting about the idea of a waste to energy garbage incinerator is that they are operated by successful multi- national companies around the world. They can stand on their own without tax dollars.

In summary: It is odour-free; the businesses involved are successful environmental service providers with facilities around the world; the project is $500 million without any cost to the City of Nanaimo; Nanaimo will receive taxes from the project instead paying out; it would create more than 300 construction jobs for two to three years, and 70 permanent jobs.

We can go see the facility in operation and talk to the councils and community before making any final discussion.

The project seems to have too many positive things going for it not to at least be considered and studied before saying no.

Terry WagstaffNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin