Let’s not worship our next mayors

Title for municipal leaders needs adjusting

There’s something a lot of us find distasteful about municipal politics in Canada. Unless politicians belong to some kind of religion, why oh why is a meagre mayor referred to as His or Her Worship?

Even Jesus Himself said not to worship Him but only God.

 My dictionary positions worship between worse and worst!

 So what “full of themselves individuals” ever got away with the idea of worshipping some mere mortal?

And why has this been allowed to perpetuate right through to the present? I mean it’s 2000 and friggin’ eleven. Humble is as humble does.

I am certain that runaway feelings of grandiose might even compel a certain ego type to think they could  become Premier or, ‘hey, since I’m already being worshipped, why not Prime Minister!’

Historically, the elected leader  (or first citizen) in the commonwealth realm, was assigned  words of status denoting special worthiness, esteem, honour and to be treated with reverence and respect.

Interestingly, Charles the 5th of the Holy Roman Empire desired to be referred to as greater than ‘Highness’ and demanded to be called His Majesty. This title has carried forth for centuries. Special, beyond ordinary human privilege.

So, on the ballots next November, we, the citizens of Parksville, could perhaps change all of Canada by being the first community to not worship our mayor.

 The local papers here could run a contest for the top 10 names by which a mayor be referred.  Then those words would be placed on the election ballot for ratification thereby starting a trend.

The United States uses Your Honour, a term I could embrace until such time that the newly elected mayor weaseled their way in trying to change our great town to something more like their home town, like, say, establish one way streets like in Hamilton, Ontario, that would direct traffic to coffee and doughnuts!

   Oh yeah, while we’re at it, no more mayors or council members who are not residents! And if they move, their tenure is terminated.

   Work where you live, shop where you live and pursue happiness.

Gord Byers   


Parksville Qualicum Beach News