Let’s vote with the whole planet in mind

Kudos to the letter writer for moving to the Green side. Now, if only others could do the same.

To the Editor,

Re: If we care about our planet, it’s time to act and vote, Letters, Aug. 27.

Kudos to the letter writer for moving to the Green side. Now, if only others could do the same – mainly because our planet is very sick. It has a temperature, and it’s not coming down. As everyone knows, the oceans are warming, polar ice caps are melting and sea levels are rising. Also, we are witnessing weather that is becoming more and more extreme – to the extent that home insurance coverage, like mine, has been changed to reflect “the severity of catastrophic events in Canada and worldwide.” So, it’s up to us, the voters, to ensure that the most ethical, environmentally conscious political party takes over before it’s too late for our planet.

The Stephen Harper government has bullied and muzzled environmentalists, scientists and journalists in order to keep global warming under the radar. Just last year, over 800 scientists from 32 countries signed an open letter to Prime Minister Harper, asking him to end scientific restrictions.

Most recently, Tony Turner, a scientist for Environment Canada, was put on leave from his government job because of his political protest song, Harperman, which has gone viral on YouTube.

Listen to the lyrics and then, on Oct. 19, for our planet’s sake, vote with your conscience.

J.R. SchillingNanaimo


To the Editor,

Re: If we care about our planet, it’s time to act and vote, Letters, Aug. 27.

I like the concept of the Green Party, but how do we know it will deliver? There have been so many opportunities for this party to get into the newspapers on environmental issues, but I have not seen anything yet. Historically, what has this party done?

Also, I think caution is in order because no matter how individuals feel about the political parties, there have been very intelligent people in government and if budgets could have been balanced and the deficit reduced to zero, it would have been done.

Linda RichardsNanaimo


To the Editor,

Re: With more time, will more voters care? Opinion, Aug. 20.

NDP leader Tom Mulcair will not attend a debate Oct. 8, because Stephen Harper will not be there. What are you, children in a daycare centre? You are asking me for a job. If I went in for a job interview and told the interviewer that I would only participate under certain circumstances, would I get hired? No. We need to hear every word you can say to make an informed decision. I absolutely hate the negative propaganda that I am hearing in the media.

Andrew LudingtonEsquimalt

Nanaimo News Bulletin