The family of a Langley senior is frustrated at the lack of communication on his vaccination. (Black Press Media files)

LETTER: 100-year-old Langley war veteran awaits COVID jab

Family says Fraser Health tells them to wait when they ask about his vaccination

Dear Editor,

I have sent this email 10 February and neither myself nor my Dad has heard anything. I call Fraser Health, and it is still wait.

Why if we have had this COVID for over a year are the health departments not better prepared?

I am sending this email concerning my 97-year-old father, Frank Kellins, who is a WW2 RCAF veteran, whose only wish at this time in his life is to make “100.”

He lives in his own apartment in Langley City, with no assistance and wants it to stay that way. He is not in any senior’s home, nor will he be. He is a determined man who is healthy enough to still get his driving licence and is still driving.

• READ MORE: B.C. officials to unveil new details of COVID vaccination plan

I have been phoning Fraser Health and his doctor’s office regarding when and where he can go to have his vaccination. He will be contacted, just wait. Just wait for what? The virus to hit him badly.

Then I hear the homeless people, some who choose to live that way. Then also the prisoners, who have done something against the law to be incarcerated, were also vaccinated. Why them and not him.

So my father who fought for his country, still waits and waits and waits. My father who missed the birth of his first child due to fighting for his country, still waits.

Where is the justice here?

When can he expect to hear? When and where?

Linda Kellins, Surrey


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