Letter: A call for unity

Castlegar's Dave Carter says Canadian society is at a dangerous crossroad

The Canadian society is at a dangerous crossroad. We are now a society divided. Basically we have divided into two opposing camps. One camp believing that the government’s actions regarding COVID-19 (lockdowns, quarantines, travel restrictions, censorship, mandatory masking and rapid rollout of vaccines) are warranted. And another camp seeing these actions as unwarranted and an attack on our constitutional rights.

An open respectful dialogue is urgently needed between these groups. I appeal to both groups to remain open to differing perspectives and opinions. Information is vital for us to make correct decisions regarding a course of action. Until we are willing to objectively discuss our differences and learn from each other, we cannot truly say that “we are all in this together.”

Furthermore “divide and conquer” is the oldest trick in the book used to manipulate societies. We need to be smarter than this and not become a country more divided.

Dave Carter


Castlegar News