Letter: A honked horn saved a life

To the woman in the grey sedan who…blasted through the crosswalk just missing me by a hair; this letter is for you.

To the editor:

To the woman in the red car who was stopped at the crosswalk on Clement at 8:30 am on Thursday, April 16th and who honked the horn which caused me to stop walking; Thank you.  You saved my life.

And to the woman in the grey older sedan who ignored the flashing lights and blasted through the crosswalk just missing me by a hair; this letter is for you.

Your carelessness could have caused two little boys (one who is mentally and physically challenged), to be left without their superhero.

Your carelessness could have caused a husband who works 12+ hours a day to provide for his family, to be left without a wife, and with the burden of having to raise two little boys on his own and care for a child who is dependent on him for the daily basics you and I take for granted.

Your carelessness could have caused a mother and father to lose their 29-year-old child to a tragedy beyond their control, after having already buried one, leaving them with the burden of having to quit their jobs to care for their special needs grandson when he gets bouts of pneumonia that keep him home from school for a week at a time throughout the year.

Your carelessness could have destroyed a family that has been deeply rooted in Kelowna four generations deep.

I don’t know why you were driving down Clement at approximately 120 km/h that morning.  I don’t know why you decided that it was OK to run a crosswalk light and ignore a woman in a bright purple sweater crossing on a crosswalk, beside a school, where many children cross to get to and from school.

Please slow down, get off your phone, pay attention to the road and, for the love of God, think about how your life would have changed had that lady in the red car not honked her horn.

With gratitude and a fresh appreciation for life,

Brooklyn Jae McMorran,  Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News