LETTER: A simple question - yes or no?

LETTER: A simple question – yes or no?

A simple question - yes or no regarding Bowser's proposed new sewage plant.

A simple question – yes or no regarding Bowser’s proposed new sewage plant.

Is it right to pollute the ocean? Yes or no?

That’s really how simple this is and for me it has been a surprising journey interacting with people on this issue. I would have thought the answer would be an emphatic “No!”

Many cloud the issue by pointing to leaky septic fields or the fact that Victoria, Nanoose and French Creek use marine outfalls. Yes, I agree that those are existing problems that need to be addressed. This is a new source of pollutants. Stop it — yes or no?

Bowser’s Stop Ocean Sewage group representing citizens against pollution has launched an online petition so that all people against ocean pollution have a voice. I contacted mid-Island enhancement groups to make them aware of the petition, believing them to be stewards of the rivers and ocean and protectors of salmon and their habitat and sure that they would support a movement to stop pollution, but sadly, no. They don’t wish to be seen as political. And what’s with the Qualicum First Nation? Their silence is deafening.

It’s time to draw a line in the sand and say no to further polluting of the ocean

So this is a direct appeal to PQB News readers: if you believe that it is wrong to pollute the ocean and have not signed our petition, visit sosbowser.ca and follow the link.

Please sign and share.

Beverley Allen

Qualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News