LETTER: A visual stain

I am writing to express my dismay ... at the proliferation of the huge eye-blazing commercial signs in our community

I am writing to express my dismay (or perhaps more accurately my outrage) at the proliferation of the huge eye-blazing commercial signs in our community.

I live on Vedder Mountain at the eastern end of Abbotsford, yet from my porch, at least five miles away as the crow flies, the Pattison sign on the South Parallel Road is a clear, visible blot on the landscape. Instead of the distant twinkling lights of farms and Sumas Mountain, I now see the constant flashing of ad changes. I shudder to think of how this sign impacts on long-time family farmhouse just metres away.

I drive east on South Fraser Way heading to the Sumas interchange and instead of enjoying the breathtaking view of Mt. Baker, sparkling with fresh snow, my view is blocked with yet another mammoth commercial eyesore. When exiting at McCallum Road yet another eye-blinding intrusion, and so on.

Are we not attempting to make our community greener, more attractive to tourists, more people-friendly?

These high-voltage signs constitute light pollution of the highest order and are a visual stain on our landscape.

Deborah Longhurst, Abbotsford


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