LETTER: A welcome change of tactics

Reading the constructive $1M-plus cost saving measures initiated by our new city manager George Murray is a pleasant change indeed.

Reading the constructive $1M-plus cost saving measures initiated by our new city manager George Murray is a pleasant change indeed.

Finally, a bright light is dawning at the end of the tunnel for the heavily burdened tax-paying public. George Murray, you got a good start. Do carry on the good work, please. Most taxpayers are breathing a sigh of relief for this welcome change in tactics you offer.

Also a true thank you to City Councillor Henry Braun for his relentless work and keen insight to initiate better ideas into an obviously below par management control.

Fact is, most citizens do not mind paying their fare share of taxes so long as those monies are used frugally and for worthy causes.

Gertie Pool, Abbotsford

Abbotsford News