LETTER: Accept people for what they think

There has been wars in the Middle East before there was a West.

Mr. G.E.MacDonnel writes, ” All people regardless of outlook, need to be accepted for the way they think. Then proceeds to trash Christianity, a belief of thousands down the centuries.

He advises that they believe in ” non-existent entity.” And where is his proof of God’s non-existence? That they should promulgate more sound rational thoughts about life and creation. Is he addressing Muslims as well? Far more educated and brilliant men than Mr, MacDonnel have shared these beliefs.

As far as Islam, they are not an offshoot of Christianity. Islam originated with the Prophet Muhammed when he received God’s call to be His messenger. There are similarities in the two faiths, but Islam is not considered an offshoot but divinely inspired.

There have been wars continually in the Middle East before there was a West. Assyrian Empire, Iranian Meads, Achaiminid Persians, Ottomans versus Iranians, Mongoliinvasion and myriads of others. Muslms have been warring each other as well.

Apparently, scientists say civilization began in the Middle East and the bible states it will end there. Mr. MacConnel should curb his bigotry when he discusses the Middle East and “accept people for what they think.”

Sincerely, Cherryl Katnich, Maple Ridge

Abbotsford News