Letter: Act of kindness came out of the blue

…I wanted to share this story to let you know that there are some people in this world, in this city, who are simply a blessing to others.

To the editor:

Two weeks ago I took my one year old granddaughter to the Orchard Park Mall in Kelowna.

As one of our stops, we went into LoadZa Toyz, a lovely toy story in the mall. While we were looking at the toys, I let my granddaughter hold one of the Corolle dolls, a little baby doll, that the store had out to touch and feel.

She immediately held the little dolly close to her, snuggled it in her stroller and gently patted the doll’s back.

The store clerk and I were moved at how adorable this was.

Unbeknownst to us, an older gentleman, in a wheelchair was also observing my granddaughter’s face and the way she loved the dolly. Without further ado, the gentleman told the clerk he would like to purchase that doll for my granddaughter.

I told him that it was a lovely gesture, but he certainly did not have to do that. He told me, “I know I don’t have to, I want to. You see I have no granddaughters of my own, so please allow me to do this.”

This very sweet man then purchased a new doll of its kind that were on order and suggested to the clerk that my granddaughter take this used doll home in the interim.

I shook his hand and thanked him, it moved my heart that there are still people in this world who are so thoughtful and kind.

Today the doll arrived. I returned the used doll and picked up the doll this man had purchased for my granddaughter.

I didn’t get his name, but I wanted to share this story with you to let you know that there are some people in this world, in this city, who are simply a blessing to others.

It has moved me to want to look for opportunities to pay it forward also.

Barb Petelle,  Kelowna



Kelowna Capital News