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LETTER: Action needed by western nations to end Israel/Palestine violence

Fighting is continuing to escalate in region

Dear Editor:

Although Summerland is a small community with a relatively small population, we should not feel exempt to the fighting that is continuing to escalate in Israel/Palestine.

We need to support the people who have taken to the streets in our larger cities who are calling for a ceasefire between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

READ ALSO: Israel kills 42 in Gaza as Netanyahu warns war will go on

READ ALSO: Singh calls for halt on Canadian arms sales to Israel as violence escalates in region

Please contact our MP and our Prime Minister and let them know that we are despondent with the continuous news of the fighting in the Middle East and the fact that nothing is being done by western nations, and particularly the Biden administration in the United States, to stop it. All it would take is one word from Biden. And it would certainly help if Trudeau supported the United Nations’ call for an immediate cease fire.

As of this past Monday evening, Hamas had fired over 3,000 rockets into Israel, with 10 Israeli deaths, while Israel had destroyed hundreds of homes, a health clinic, killed 215 people, including two doctors, 61 children and 36 women.

Homemade rockets versus fighter jets and bombs. An impoverished people versus a rich and apartheid government. Supported by another rich country that had just approved the sale to Israel of $375 million worth of precision-guided bombs and sends it over $10 million a day in aid.

Call or email our MP, Dan Albas and email our Prime Minister today. Enough is enough!

Frank Martens


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