LETTER: Adults must set example on pot

In a December issue, on the front page of your paper, there was a caption which read: “Liquor stores eye marijuana sales.”

In a December issue, on the front page of your paper, there was a caption which read: “Liquor stores eye marijuana sales.”

Now it appears that some pharmacies are wanting to get in on the sale of marijuana. Will they be called “drug stores”?

If, by an unfortunate circumstance, our unthinking government legalizes this harmful addictive drug for recreational use, I agree that the best method of sales would be through tightly controlled liquor-type stores.

It is very comforting to have a government so concerned about the need of some individuals that a high priority plank in their election and legislation strategy was to legalize recreational pot.

There has been a successful move by some politically correct individuals and organizations to have Christ removed from Christmas, and the Lord’s prayer from schools and public areas. Who knows what else? I presume these removals were to ensure our minds are not contaminated? What are these groups doing to ensure that the minds of our youth are not contaminated by marijuana?

Why am I concerned about this drug? Some physical effects of marijuana are (Government of Canada information): increased heart rate, drop in blood pressure, fainting, heart attack, stroke, chronic cough, phlegm buildup in throat, chest problems, lung infections, addiction, plus many others.

Marijuana smoking during pregnancy has been associated with long-lasting harm to the exposed child’s memory and other brain functions as well as hyperactive behaviour. The toxins in marijuana are also carried in breast milk and can be passed to the baby.

Controlled marijuana for medical use, prescribed by a fully licensed medical practitioner, OK, but not for recreational use. If pot is legalized, will our youth not consider it a safe product? Adults must also set an example for our youth.

Parents, let’s give this some thought. Where does Health Canada stand on this? Are they not the ones who monitor hazardous products?

Eric Myrholm


Abbotsford News