Letter: Advice for Penticton council

Coun. Max Picton is concerned with lack of engagement with the public.

Coun. Max Picton is concerned with lack of engagement with the public.

My suggestion would be to place articles by council members and staff in the local newspapers.

Get honest with the funds that will be required over the next 10 years. If you require $40 million over 10 years, what percentage increase will be required each year to fund the deficit. What percentage increase will be required to fund the operating budget in addition to the infrastructure deficit?

Council also needs to explain to landlords whether or not increases can be covered by allowable provincial rent increase each year. If not, we will have a housing crisis for some residents, landlords will be terminating leases and probably reverting to annual leases. What happens to landlords that also pay the utility bills?

Many of the senior  residents and single parents  of Penticton have very low levels of income. How does council plan to deal with the utility infrastructure deficit at the same time?

My opinion is that council and staff will probably need to find a revenue source other than from residents. The stupidity of prior councils always relying on growth through new construction has backfired with the recession centered in Penticton. Has the reduction in the multiplier and the Economic Investment Zones helped or hindered a fair distribution of property taxes between residential and business classes?

If you want me to start a rumor that council is planning to bankrupt many seniors and single parent families, give me the go ahead and you will receive feedback.

Seniors, council has informed me that you are not worthy citizens and you need to move to less expensive areas in B.C. if you want to survive. Penticton does not want you as citizens. We need citizens with a net worth of at least $1 million if you want to reside in Penticton.

Council is acting like children in expecting meaningful feedback from the public, you need to engage the public with honesty and hard facts. The citizens elected this council to protect them, so do your job and provide meaningful information to the public

Some idiots built the South Okanagan Events Centre and now expect the poor to replenish reserves that were pissed away on the SOEC. $40 million would have gone a long way to allow to council to spread and  soften the infrastructure deficit.

When this council was elected, residents had faith in their decisions when marking the ballots. Explain to the residents, that possibly you should have ran for office in Kelowna, Vancouver or Victoria, your agenda is not to protect the less fortunate in our society.

Why in the hell do we not have a two-tiered business class? Do some of these big box stores really need cheap property taxes to survive in Penticton? You really think that they rank above the less fortunate? If you do, please do not run for council in the future. Move to a wealthy community for the benefit of Penticton residents.

Now it is your job to rescue the lives of the less fortunate, you cannot continue to bleed higher assessed valued homes to cover your incompetence. Rather than expecting the average Joe to make suggestions, get off of your asses and make the hard decision and prove to the residents that you have their interests at heart.

Penticton may need to concentrate on basic needs of the citizens and make every attempt to be honest with the public. For many, subsidized programs  may need to be diverted to basic needs.

If you want me to scare the hell out of the less fortunate, give me the word.

Ted Wiltse




Penticton Western News