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LETTER: Affordable housing units are needed

Need for housing in Summerland has been identified for past 10 years

Dear Editor:

I am writing to express the importance of affordable housing to the community of Summerland.

The rezoning and proposal made by Turning Points for the property at 8709 Jubilee Rd., next to the fruit packing building will add 60 affordable rental units of various sizes to our housing capacity.

READ ALSO: Controversial Summerland housing proposal passes third reading

READ ALSO: Affordable housing proposal for Summerland passes first two readings

As president of the Summerland Food Bank and Resources Centre we have identified the real need for this type of housing for more than 10 years.

There are people that we serve who tell us how hard it is to find decent housing at a rent they can afford. The rise in property values has only made that more so.

We have families and single households in lower paying employment, and pensioners with fixed incomes who cannot afford what is offered in Summerland. Employers have staff who can not find places to rent here and must commute.

Anyone living on a disability pension has great difficulty finding suitable accommodation. Rent geared to income or deep subsidy living units, as proposed, will provide many in our community good housing, leaving them with money left over to participate in activities, eat out with their friends, and contribute to the local economy.

Everyone deserves a safe, warm decent place to live.

This project will begin to fill some of the housing requirements needed in Summerland.

Janet Peake, president

Summerland Food Bank and Resource Centre


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