Brianne Messenger, Agassiz Harrison Community Services’ food bank coordinator. (Nina Grossman/The Observer)

Brianne Messenger, Agassiz Harrison Community Services’ food bank coordinator. (Nina Grossman/The Observer)

LETTER: Agassiz-Harrison Community Services says thank you to volunteers

Agassiz-Harrison Community Services Society (AHCS) is very pleased to be hosting a special luncheon for our 100-plus AHCS volunteers on Tuesday, April 9 at the Memorial Hall in Harrison.

Agassiz-Harrison Community Services Society (AHCS) is very pleased to be hosting a special luncheon for our 100-plus AHCS volunteers on Tuesday, April 9 at the Memorial Hall in Harrison.

The event is taking place during the National Volunteer Appreciation Week, April 7 to 13, and we are anticipating another great turn-out this year. Our incredibly generous local businesses and organizations have donated towards this event, and we are very thankful for their involvement and their recognition of our volunteers.

AHCS staff have been fortunate to work alongside these amazing people, at our yearly events: Defeat Depression Walk, Magic of Christmas, Christmas Food Bank Hamper and Santa Shop, as well as the various Food Bank Drives: the CP Holiday Train, 2019 Polar Bear, Stuff the Cruiser and the Agassiz Firemen’s Food Drive.

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We are always amazed at the dedication, spirit and kindness of our volunteers.

All the services and programs that Agassiz-Harrison Community Services provide depend on the contributions and support of our volunteers.

Family Parenting Place and the Valley Youth Centre provide drop-in programs for children and youth, the Food Bank provides hampers to more than 80 families per month, and our Senior Programs (Drive4U, Better at Home, Shopping Shuttle, Friendly Phone) provide invaluable service to the seniors in our community. Our Literacy Program provides service to our local immigrant community.

On behalf of AHCS, “Thank You!” from the bottom of our hearts.

-Agassiz-Harrison Community Services

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