LETTER: Alaska and BC should be sisters

Reader Ron Robinson: "Our collective wisdom could then provide real leadership as to how the global climate really works."

BC as a sister state to Alaska? It’s not a new concept. Nelson, for example, is a sister city to Shuzenji, Japan and developing a similar relation with Sandpoint, Idaho.

When Alaska governor Bill Walker suggested a ramping up of oil production to pay for the costs of remediation associated with climate change, it was as though he had taken a cue from Premier Christy Clark.

BC’s targets for CO2 reduction will be difficult to achieve given the trend is currently off course. Add in to that the development of a new fossil fuel industry (LNG), in the hope it will generate cash and fossil based jobs; the connection is obvious.

The collective wisdom of Mr. Walker and Ms. Clark suggest a relationship that warrants being formalized by our province becoming a “sister state” to Alaska. I would encourage all citizens of BC to petition their respective MLAs. Our collective wisdom could then provide real leadership as to how the global climate really works.

The logic, of course, is that if we produce and sell enough fossil fuels, the cost of climate change becomes affordable — what’s not to understand?

Ron Robinson


Nelson Star