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LETTER: Aldergrove poem writer laments the loss of the Canada she once knew

COVID, gender identity, church services, and more covered in local woman's poem

Dear Editor,

What happened to the Canada that I know?

Seems like we are tearing it down blow by blow.

We used to enjoy a lot of freedoms and choices,

But now if we don’t like it, we silence the voices.


With Covid we’re told we need to protect the old,

If we don’t follow the rules we’re unloving and cold.

Yet they are locked away in a home all alone,

With no interactions except maybe by phone.

On one hand we tell them we’ll help them to die,

On the other to protect them, so which is the lie?


The language has changed, it was dying with dignity,

Now it’s a death sentence for those with disability.

Mental illness on the rise, to be caring we pledge,

But with MAiD do we help the suicidal, or push them over the edge?

They say lockdowns are needed to protect life at all cost,

Yet each year 100,000 babies to abortion are lost.


Parents trying to show love to their kids by asking to wait,

Makes doctors step in and new bodies create.

Minors used to need parents to sign their consent,

Now parents are arrested if they aren’t acquiescent.


The government will tell us church is not essential,

And we have no say since we don’t have credentials.

Criminals released from prison without much of a thought,

But pastors arrested for daring to tend to their flock.

A judge can rule unjustly in the governments favour,

But the worship of God will continue without waver.


The government is elected, we don’t need to cower,

We can all stand up and take back the power.

If we don’t wake up and demand to be free,

The Canada we know will be lost, don’t you see?

Angela de Boer, Aldergrove


• UNRELATED: All B.C. workers can now get time off for their COVID vaccine without repercussions

• WEB POLL: Have you ever broken the COVID-19 health rules?

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