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LETTER: Aldergrove’s MP Remembrance Day ad sent the wrong message

Local resident said the MP should have been wearing a poppy

Dear Editor,

I am disappointed that our Langley-Aldergrove Member of Parliament could not take the time to find an appropriate photo to use in his ad commemorating Remembrance Day 2020. (Nov 5, 2020 issue)

Could Mr. Van Popta not support our local Legion by purchasing and wearing a poppy for the picture? Is he not able to find a picture where he has a more somber demeanor?

• READ MORE: Poppy sales begin at Aldergrove legion branch #265

As a communicator who works with currently serving and retired veterans, I am greatly disappointed, and dare I say offended, by this lack of attention to detail. This is not the standard we expect of our representatives to the Canadian government.

Lest we forget is not just a catch phrase.

Catherine Gagnon, Aldergrove


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Langley Advance Times