Letter: All-inclusive a meaningless phrase

Only a few years ago we agonized over the 84 homeless in our town.

Editor, The News:

Re: Promote business, keep private waste collection.

Marie Robson’s response to my previous letter begs for a rebuttal.

To begin with, her opening remarks regarding my right-wing views infer that right wing equates to being negative thinking, which is far from the truth, of course. But it does not exclude clear thinking and facing reality.

She acknowledges that we are on a merry-go-round, or a street leading nowhere, if you will, and rightly so.

Consider that only a few years ago, we agonized over the 84 homeless in our town. I don’t have the exact figures, but I venture to say that we must have looked after at least 200 people since then, yet, a few years later, we have to deal with hundreds more.

It is, therefore, crystal clear that what we have been doing is not working. This includes lack of fair wages and full-time jobs and governments creating jobs for everyone, which, by the way, is an oxymoron. Governments don’t create jobs, industry does.

As for her comments regarding the rich CEOs of corporations, and I would add some government officials, while that is not all inclusive, I fully agree and detest what some do. But the one does not negate the other, nor give license to others doing the same, albeit on a smaller, though much broader scale.

Regarding the last comment, I fully believe that we here in Maple Ridge are already a caring community, but all-inclusive is just a meaningless phrase.

Walter Verwoerd

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News