Letter: All religions’ icons should stand

A practical reaching out to those of all faiths advised, rather than deprivation by removal of one icon of long-standing in the chapel.

To the editor:

Further to Dr. Deborah Gordon’s letter referencing a letter from Jake Thiessen re: Plea for return of a cross. Perhaps my humble opinion might also be aired in your newspaper? (Christianity One of Many Religious Beliefs Welcome in Kelowna Hospital Chapel, April 22 Capital News.)

Briefly, I suggest that consideration be given to the idea of sending out an invitation to all religious faiths in the region served by KGH to offer their icon for display in the chapel. Christian ecumenism appears to invite this symbolic action as an appeasement to one and all involved in this debacle.

Should those who have the power to remove Christianity’s symbol deem merit contained here-in, then their icon could and should be returned to its rightful place and amongst the icons of other respondents.

A practical reaching out to those of all faiths rather than deprivation by removal of one icon of long-standing in the chapel.

R.W. Haslock,

West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News