3L Developments is looking to create a riverfront community near Stotan Falls. Scott Stanfield photo

3L Developments is looking to create a riverfront community near Stotan Falls. Scott Stanfield photo

LETTER- Allowing residential development at Stotan Falls would be a precedent-setting travesty

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

On Sept. 6, 2018, at 7 p.m. at the Florence Filberg Centre, in Courtenay, there will be an ‘Open House’ – where the Regional District and 3L will present an information session with a Question and Answer session following – about this huge development by 3L being attempted on the Browns and Puntledge River.

The Comox Valley Regional Growth Strategy plan was put in place to have subdivisions in our Valley on a much different and smaller scale… re. having our Valley properly developed in areas that can be serviced properly. Can just see the dollars down the road to the taxpayers on this one should 3L be allowed to proceed. To allow this development to take place is sheer folly and a travesty. Once one major development changes the RGS with an amendment, how many others will do the very same thing? Hold your municipal and regional district directors responsible; ask them where they stand. There is an election coming up this fall.

The effects of this development on water (to be drawn from the Puntledge River) wildlife corridors, salmon and fish, not to mention effect on First Nations property adjoining the property, and effect on Scouts Canada’s Gilwell Park wilderness campsite on the Browns River – next door, for Scouts and Girl Guides of Canada as well as Outward Bound. I doubt very much Gilwell Park would remain a wilderness campsite with cabins, kitchen areas and tenting areas secluded amongst the trees, with 2,000 or so people living next door, and possibly tramping on through the beautiful second growth fir and cedar along the River with rare fossils, fauna and wildlife within its boundaries. I am a retired Guider of Komux District, and have taken many youth to this camp, and am deeply concerned.

For more info, join “Save the Puntledge Triangle” on Facebook.

Donna M. Dodds

Black Creek

Comox Valley Record