
LETTER: Amalgamation not the answer for Saanich

In reference to the Dec. 23 letter in the Saanich News entitled 'Mayor interfering with the amalgamation process' by James Anderson, I suggest that Mr. Anderson and his myopic group come out of their Amalgamation Yes cave and check which way the wind is blowing.

In reference to the Dec. 23 letter in the Saanich News entitled ‘Mayor interfering with the amalgamation process’ by James Anderson, I suggest that Mr. Anderson and his myopic group come out of their Amalgamation Yes cave and check which way the wind is blowing.

Anyone living in Saanich that supports amalgamating into the culture of Victoria proper, most assuredly needs to change their grade of pot. Oh boy, wouldn’t Mayor Helps and her lot just love to get hold of the tax base of Saanich. I hope Mayor Fred Hayes keeps pointing out the lunacy of the amalgamation proposal as it relates to Saanich.

Ralph Ward


Goldstream News Gazette