Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Letter: An honour knowing Gus Boersma

Penticton has lost a true gentle giant

An honour knowing Gus Boersma

Our city has lost a true gentle giant, a Lion of God.

Leukemia has taken a man, highly respected; a spouse treasured, a father endeared and so much more.

What an honour I have had being his friend for so many years; learning, absorbing such kindness, wisdom, simplicity and value from Gus Boersma. He was the epitome of Galations 5:22/23.

Sigrid and Erica, I know my loss is minimal compared to yours. You are such incredible ladies. Know full well Gus’s community leadership, his love of community will linger on and on. Thank you both for sharing him with us who loved him so.

James Ludvigson


Penticton Western News