LETTER: Anger about Trudeau’s electoral reform promise

From reader Ann Remnant...

Join the Council of Canadians and FairVoteCanada for a rally at noon on Saturday, in the amenity area of the 400 block of Baker Street. Hear us roar. Nelson joins Canadians across the country on this national day of outrage.

Justin Trudeau betrayed our trust. Just last week he killed his firm and unequivocal election promise, which he repeated over 1,800 times since, that ‘2015 will be the last election under First Past The Post and that ‘we will make every vote count.’ To add insult to injury, he then blamed us for a lack of consensus.

Ironically, the ink was barely dry on the mydemocracy survey that showed that 44 per cent of Canadians are “frustrated with politics.” That survey, in which over 360,000 Canadians participated, also echoed the findings of the all party parliamentary committee: over 80 per cent of us want more co-operation and collaboration in governance. Those are the hallmarks of a proportional voting system.

So how does Justin Trudeau leapfrog to this week’s announcement? Simple. He lied. He ditched his promise to make 2015 the last election under FPTP and to make every vote count because he thinks he can get away with it, and because he believes that our broken system will give him another false majority in 2019.

Over and over again, for almost a century now, Liberals have promised electoral change, only to betray us once they are in power. Enough already! As we watch with horror at the Trumpwreck to the south of us, the time to act is now, before, not after, the dictator is elected.

Trudeau made a strong central promise to us. He gave us hope and we flocked across party lines to vote for him. He then spent millions of our tax dollars on public consultation, only to say ‘nah’ when he didn’t like our message.

We have every right to be angry, to feel betrayed and cynical. When Trudeau won the election he said, “In Canada better is always possible.” Well, he was right, we deserve much better than this.

Please join your fellow Canadians across the country on Saturday to show that there IS a strong Canadian consensus:

“Mr. Trudeau, we are sick and tired of being lied to.”

Ann Remnant


Nelson Star