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LETTER: Anger over decision on Parksville Community Centre

I am so angry with Parksville city council that for the first time ever I am writing a letter to the editor.

I am so angry with Parksville city council that for the first time ever I am writing a letter to the editor.

Talk about hitting the business and artist community when it is down.

They are closing up the Parksville Community Centre because, hey, it is a pandemic year, and they didn’t get enough rentals?

There used to be two youth centres here – but they closed due to lack of funding, lack of use and some other serious issues. Seriously?

We have one empty elementary school with a daycare that can easily be expanded. Wait, how about turning the rest of the school into a youth centre?

READ MORE: Your letters here

We also have another school that is only being half-used as well. Yes, the community is expanding, but there is a huge amount of viable empty spaces for lease that can be turned into either a daycare or youth centre and buildings that Parksville already owns.

I am so angry that I feel it is time to move out of the community I have been proud to call home for 30 years. Come on, council, get real. Don’t forget to wish the seven people who just lost their job a ‘Merry Christmas’.

Laura Hesse


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