Signs opposing the Burnett Street shelter and a trespass notice hang on the fence at the future site of the modular housing on Royal Crescent. (THE NEWS/files)

Signs opposing the Burnett Street shelter and a trespass notice hang on the fence at the future site of the modular housing on Royal Crescent. (THE NEWS/files)

Letter: Anita Place tent city should be gone

'Why are they telling us what to do?'

Editor, The News:

Re: Homeless camp will persist, despite modular housing.

‘We’re staying’?

I think it is time the people of Maple Ridge started telling the homeless what is happening, not them telling us what is happening with our tax dollars.

Once the building is ready for them on Royal Crescent, the Anita Place tent city should be gone. The city should come in with a dump truck and take all tents and anything else left by noon on such a date and that’s it – done.

Why are we letting them tell us what to do? Enough is enough.

Iona Albanese

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News