Letter: Another veterinarian needed

I don’t want anyone else to go through what my folks did., writes Leah Hoppe.

Editor, The Gazette:

I am writing this letter in hopes of promoting some action by somebody in the matter of the need for more veterinary care resources in Grand Forks.

My folks were faced with the difficult situation of watching their beloved 15-year-old Guardian Dogs’ health plummet drastically and swiftly the last few days. They had called the vet in town to see if there was help available to euthanize her. They wanted her to go peacefully as she was much more than guardian of the land…but a beloved friend.

They were saddened and frustrated to hear that the clinic was not taking new patients at this time. I understand that with the exodus of Dr. Ruth, the work load at the clinic must be exponentially overwhelming.

In saying that, where does this leave the citizens of Grand Forks? Especially on the occasions when there is no time or money to drive an hour to Trail or Castlegar. What do you do!?

My remarks here are not meant to disparage Dr. Scholz in the least—but more so to invite the community as a whole to speak out to the powers that be and ask that a licensed mixed practice veterinarian be encouraged to make the move to Grand Forks.

It is my understanding that people are working on this and trying to bring another vet to Grand Forks but Dr. Ruth has been gone a long time. Perhaps if we all write to council…all write to the MLA…all write to the mayor…all write to the CBC—if we all speak out and have our voice heard someone may feel the sense of urgency in the situation.

I don’t want anyone else to go through what my folks did. Their dog met her end…with no other option…by way of gun…broke my stepdad’s heart.

– Leah Hoppe, Grand Forks property owner and Vernon resident


Grand Forks Gazette