LETTER: Apologizing for the Mayor's behaviour

LETTER: Apologizing for the Mayor’s behaviour

Prince Rupert resident unimpressed with the ongoing dispute between neighbouring communities

Dear People of Port Edward

I am writing to apologize for the behaviour of the “Mayor” of Prince Rupert.

I am a relative newcomer to Prince Rupert (2001). During my time here I have learned that the people of Prince Rupert and other communities of the north coast have a long and honourable history of helping each other in times of need. This help, has to my knowledge, never ended at a municipal border.

READ MORE: Prince Rupert fire crews won’t help Port Edward after negotiations fail

Whatever the merits of the issues between the Village of Port Edward and the Town of Prince Rupert, Brain’s decision to link a Fire Suppression Mutual Aid Agreement to the ongoing discussions is Social Terrorism.

In making this decision, in my opinion, Brain has demonstrated that he lacks the wisdom and moral leadership to govern. I believe his actions are those of a petulant child who is not getting their way. I can only assume that he is a constant reader of the Donald Trump Playbook.

I am ashamed!

Dan Rodin

Prince Rupert, B.C.

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