Screenshot from video shot by Facebook user Kiley Panziera

Screenshot from video shot by Facebook user Kiley Panziera

Letter: Appalled and disappointed

I am appalled that Vernon's civic leaders showed such callous leadership for our community.

I, like others who have written to the Morning Star in the last couple of weeks, am appalled at the Vernon City Councils decision to legislate against shopping carts but, as was pointed out, only those used by a person who is homeless.

How does banning shopping carts (but again only if you are homeless) address in even a small measure the on-going issue of inadequate housing for many people in Vernon?

I am appalled that Vernon’s civic leaders showed such callous leadership for our community. And I am disappointed that the vote was 4-1, which means people, I voted for, supported the motion for this “draconian” measure.

I understand that finding the right solutions, for housing the most vulnerable in our community, isn’t easy but I also know solutions are creatively possible with a systems-based approach to finding long-term solutions, not Band-Aids — like banning the use of shopping carts.

Although, it is a few weeks since banning shopping carts was passed by city council, November is fast approaching and I will be reading and listening very closely to the platforms of the prospective candidates. Then I will vote for city council members whose platform demonstrates empathy and respect to all members of the Vernon community.

Nola Dibski

Vernon Morning Star