Letter: Appalled by size of proposed development

I am deeply opposed to the proposed development at Bristow Valley to accommodate 400 to 600 senior residents.

Dear Editor:

I am deeply opposed to the proposed development at Bristow Valley to accommodate 400 to 600 senior residents.

When I first heard rumors of the development, it sounded wonderful. I thought it would be a quaint, peaceful area for seniors; indeed one that I myself would maybe transition to once my home and property became too large for me to manage. However, when I saw the scope of the project, I was appalled.

The proposed development is anything but quaint and it certainly doesn’t fit into the quiet, peaceful neighborhood that it would be disrupting. I’m not sure the magnitude of the project even fits into the quiet, peaceful ambiance of the City of Summerland.

One of the things I and my neighbors enjoy most about the city is its small town feel. Constructing a building of this scope would change the magic of this feel. Besides its being so physically overbearing, the noise and traffic required to staff and operate such a facility would be horrible. It would feel institutional. I cannot imagine living there after living so comfortably in an orchard setting.

I love living in Summerland and am certainly not against growth and progress, but I think we shouldn’t just build for the sake of building. Nor should we feel bullied by big proposals. I believe planned, managed growth in keeping with the city’s rural feel would be more prudent; especially after the Mayor and Council received such a strong message from the electorate that keeping Summerland rural was a priority.

Rita ConnacherSummerland


Summerland Review