Letter: Appreciation for past civic politicians wanted

Letter: Appreciation for past civic politicians wanted

I have just read your article re mayoral candidates and I am feeling rather sad and uneasy.

I have just read your article re mayoral candidates and I am feeling rather sad and uneasy.

To quote a couple of Mr. Kimmerly’s comments regarding the mayor…, “someone who can push…,” I would like to have seen lead and listen in that comment.

Related: Three candidates want mayor’s chair

Further on in the interview, it was sad to find a lack of recognition of the time and energy and work which past and present mayors and councils have contributed to our city, ie: the comment, “we haven’t had a leader,” etc.

Putting others down is not respectful or honest, or Canadian. For sure, we do not want Mr. Trump-style politics in Salmon Arm.

Best wishes to all those who will be generous enough to put their names forward to work for our city in council.

Pat Mearns

@SalmonArmnewsroom@saobserver.netLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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