Letter: At the very least, recycle please

Funny how a person can go from waving the free speech banner then immediately tell all those progressives to just shut their mouths.

To the editor:

I was amused to read Mr. Goddard’s letter of June 24. [Negative Content On Harper Means Capital News ‘Goes Straight Into The Garbage,’ June 24 Capital News.]

It is funny how a person can go from talking about how important it is to have free speech and thought, and an unbiased media, and then so quickly express their desire for all those nasty progressives to just shut their mouths and give up expressing their own viewpoints in the face of a Conservative government.

I suppose these great Canadian values should only exist when the person speaking is saying what Mr. Goddard wants to hear.

Fortunately the Canada that progressives, liberals, and other small-C conservatives treasure allows for an open forum for discussion and rational debate even when we don’t all agree.

On a final note, I would hope that a good Canadian would at least put this fine publication in the recycling box after they are done with it, as opposed to throwing it in the garbage.

Richard McAdam, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News