Letter: B.C. director responds to criticism of Kelowna Legion

I think if you spent any time serving on their branch executive you would see more of the good work these people do behind the scenes.

Open letter to Alice Komasara, member of the Kelowna Legion Branch 26:

Thank you for taking the time to share your views about the Kelowna Legion branch. As provincial executive director, I feel I have a perspective to share with you that may clarify some points.

We don’t disagree with many of your issues from a Command perspective. We are working closely with all of our branches to change how they serve their communities.

As for the horse ride, we as a Provincial Command didn’t get behind it because there are only so many things we can do in a year, and our resources are limited. The event had its own organizers and frankly, many of our branches just didn’t have the facilities to host a ride event. Our branches, as you know, are run by volunteers and sometimes they just don’t have the people stepping up. I doubt very much that this had anything to do with not wanting to help, it was likely more about not having the people to do it. Maybe rather than criticizing, you could have offered to help the branch host the event.

Also, I would disagree that the Kelowna Branch doesn’t want to help veterans. These folks have the biggest branch Poppy Fund in the province. They manage more donations to veterans causes than even much larger branches that have more members. I think if you spent any time serving on their branch executive you would see more of the good work these people do behind the scenes.

If you have witnessed a deterioration in entertainment or events at the branch, then I would hope others of like-mind and yourself would get involved and help make it better, rather than slamming hard working Legionnaires in the media just because you don’t feel personally engaged in the branch.

We are all doing our absolute best. I know that many branches in this command have stalwart volunteers and they come with a wealth of experience, but are older. Sometimes a younger person’s perspective is all they need to get some ideas on the table.

We value your husband’s service and your family, but we would rather you didn’t throw tomatoes at the branch from the outside and consider working from the inside.

If you have constructive ideas for the changes you would like to see, we are open to hearing them.

Inga Krause, executive director,

BC/Yukon Command and Foundation,

Royal Canadian Legion


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