Email letters to

Email letters to

LETTER: B.C.’s recent election results prove we must question present system

How long has it been since only two parties has been our choice on election ballots ?

To the Editor,

Re: BC Green Party is the big loser, Editorial, Oct. 28, 2020

What a surprise! A Black Press editorial pointing out what could have been, would have been had a proportional electoral system been in place for the recent provincial election, rather than our current First Past the Post system. Didn’t Black Press columnist, Tom Fletcher, and his Liberal supporters vehemently oppose P.R. in the 2018 referendum?

Rather than saying the Green Party were the big losers (they would have had 13-14 seats under PR instead of the two or three they have) lets just admit that, under First Past the Post, the losers are almost always the majority of the voters whose voice is not reflected in representation.

But this is the way of First Past the Post, or FPTP.

After all, this antiquated British electoral system was meant for two party races: the Whigs vs. the Tories.

How long has it been since only two parties has been our choice on election ballots ?

Why is it then that 85 percent of democratically elected governments of the world are elected by some form of proportional representation, while we continue to languish with First Past the Post?

T. Lyman Jardin,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News