Skaha Lake Park.

Letter: Back to saving Skaha Lake Park

City council needs to honour 2018 parks policy


Currently, private business enterprise(s) and two enlarged buildings are on the table at Skaha Lake Park. One is called a Marina Building, the other a Boathouse building.

In the interest of keeping Skaha Lake Park protected and in the public domain, I would like this city council to honour the policy that they adopted in 2018 — the 2018 Park Land Protection and Use Policy. It was put in place after the 2015 City-Trio fiasco and the then very huge public response.

Without policies like this in place to protect our public parks, we will lose them. Bit by bit. Business by business. Building by building.

2.1.1. “A public park is an unencumbered tract of land wherein the land title is held by a public entity…….”

3.2.3. “The City of Penticton does not support uses that inhibit long term public access through exclusive memberships, prohibitive fees or permanent physical structures that detract from the natural setting and use of the park.”

Does this define either of the two buildings?

Hannah Hyland


Penticton Western News