LETTER: Baker St. businessman donates to street outreach

From reader Erik Treijs....

LETTER: Baker St. businessman donates to street outreach

Thank you for the story on the Nelson Street Outreach Program (“Here to Help” Feb. 17). Last year there was much discussion in your editorials about the negative impacts of “street culture” presence on Baker Street. As a business owner on Baker I found myself sharing in some of those concerns.

Since the inception of the outreach program I have experienced first hand the obvious benefits for everyone concerned, so much so that I went to Nelson Community Services (behind NDCU) and made a tax-deductible donation. I’m sure many have observed the benefit of this program just like I have. Often we donate to causes far away. This one is in our front yard.

I’m asking all Baker Street businesses (and anyone else who see this program worthy) to support this gem and keep it going with a tax-deductible contribution. If we all give a little, it will add up quickly!

Erik Treijs


Nelson Star