Letter: Barking dogs

I am sick of RDCO and I am sick of the same dogs barking over and over and over again.

To the editor:

I keep hearing the same dogs barking over and over and over again. Why can’t a million dollar dog control budget quiet these barking dogs in 5 years? It seems the barking dogs die before they ever get a ticket for barking?

Did you know that RDCO requires two different properties to complain about the same barking dog before it will give a ticket?

Did you know that RDCO will do nothing if it’s two people complaining from the same household?

Did you know that RDCO will not attend to a barking dog when it’s barking and that you may have to listen to that same dog bark all night every night for years? If your neighbour that will complain about the barking and is never home, you will have to suffer with the barking if your neighbour don’t hear it.

I believe that if RDCO needs more than one property to complain about a barking dog, then RDCO should be the other property and be a witness to the barking so that there is enough evidence to issue a ticket.

I am sick of RDCO and I am sick of the same dogs barking over and over and over again.

I am banned from emailing my regional district over it all because the RDCO can do whatever it wants to do including not enforcing bylaws.


Sharon Schnurr, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News