Letter: BC Hydro owes us a refund

Checking it manually was included in the bill before this, why isn’t it now so no one should be charged who didn’t get a 'notsmart' meter?

To the editor:

I think if BC Hydro is going to charge people who don’t get the ‘notsmart’ meters $30 a month because they have to check the meters manually, then they should refund to everyone who has a smart meter $30 a month because they don’t have to check it manually.

On the other hand, checking it manually was included in the bill before this, why isn’t it now so no one should be charged who didn’t get a notsmart meter?

If they say it costs a lot of money to get the smart meter installed and that is why, the people who got the notsmart meter installed don’t get a monthly $30 refund and the people who didn’t get one should get a credit to their account for that amount.

So, BC Hydro, you owe everyone a lot of money.

What do you think?

Debby Bennett,

from KCN Facebook


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