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LETTER: BC Liberals left ICBC a mess: Farnworth

Our BC NDP government has worked tirelessly to fix the mess that was left behind


I’m writing in response to MLA Doerkson’s Feb. 21st article on ICBC rebates. Astonishingly, after mismanaging ICBC for years, the BC Liberals are now criticizing our government for how much money we are putting back in the pockets of drivers.

In fact, when they were in power, the BC Liberals raided $1.2 billion from ICBC and torpedoed efforts to improve the company’s finances. The result: driver’s premiums soared at a time when so many British Columbians struggled with ever-increasing costs of living.

Our BC NDP government has worked tirelessly to fix the mess that was left behind. The BC Liberals attempted to block these efforts, including opposing our plan to introduce an enhanced care-based model this May that will save money by reducing legal costs, enabling ICBC to reduce rates by 20 per cent. They also opposed legislation that banned future raids on ICBC’s financial reserves.

If the BC Liberals had succeeded in stopping these changes, ICBC would not be in the position of providing rebates to drivers. Due to the pandemic, ICBC’s bottom line increased by $600 million. Returning these savings to drivers is the right thing to do – and the fairest way to do so is by returning a percentage of the premium paid by each driver.

Read More: MLA’s CORNER: ICBC rebate falls flat for safest drivers

Mike Farnworth

Minister of Public Safety & Solicitor General

and Minister responsible for ICBC

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