LETTER: BC Parks drops ‘falls’ and the ball on Stamp River park

I was appalled to see the condition of the road into Stamp Falls Park this long weekend...

LETTER: BC Parks drops 'falls' and the ball on Stamp River park

To the Editor,

As a lifelong resident of the Alberni Valley, I was appalled to see the condition of the road into Stamp Falls Park this long weekend.

Whoever is in charge of BC Parks on the Island and the corresponding provincial ministry should be embarrassed and ashamed of letting this once iconic tourist attraction and jewel of a park be in such a sad state.

The road has been poorly maintained for years now but this past Easter weekend it was almost impassable in my truck, let alone for those who brought their RVs and vehicles down to the beautiful riverside campground.

When the park was listed as “Stamp Falls Provincial Park”, it attracted tourists from all over the world, especially when the thousands of returning salmon are passing through.

It once had the famous 101 steps down to the pool below the falls but, sadly, BC Parks let it fall into disrepair and closed that trail.

It was also once listed by Vancouver Island Tourism as one of the “must see” attractions along with Butchart Gardens and Long Beach. Now signs at the entrance list it as “Stamp River Park.” Just another park. There are thousands of rivers but few falls and gorges as spectacular and accessible as the Stamp and none with the numbers of fish passing through.

Combined with the Angler’s Trail, this park could once again become a major area tourist generator if managed, maintained and promoted by those in charge.

I would hope someone makes this happen.

Bob Cole,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News