Letter: BC Transit needs to up its communications game

Please BC Transit, can you be a little more enthusiastic in your marketing tactics to encourage us to use your service.

To the editor:

“BC Transit is pleased to have partnered with the federal, provincial and local governments to connect people to their destinations easier and faster than ever before.”

Basically, BC Transit has received money from each level of government to improve bus services. That money comes from taxes that you and I pay.

We have heard a lot about rapid link, but nothing about other services.

For example the No. 28 bus was a service that went up Elliott to Smith Creek and back. Now the 28 does a circular route along Old Okanagan Hwy up to Asquith Road, past the Landfill and through Smith Creek then down Elliott to Westbank Centre. A much more sensible route to pick up riders as people now don’t have to walk so far to catch a bus. Thus they are more likely to use the service to link with the rapid bus system.

But who knows about this feeder route improvement?

When a service is improved, would it not be a good idea for BC Transit to mail that information to the area serviced by that route, or perhaps to advertise it a little?

Unfortunately, although route for 28 has been improved, the times are still unrealistic.

The first morning bus out of Smith Creek is 7:38 a.m. That is way too late for many workers to be starting their journeys.

The last bus up to Smith Creek area leaves Westbank Centre at 5:18 pm.  That is not useful to 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. workers because it would be impossible to get from say, Kelowna to Westbank Centre in less than 18 minutes to catch the last bus.

One last point, despite searching the website, I cannot find any information/map with bus stops identified. I can find timing points, but nothing further.

Please BC Transit, can you be a little more enthusiastic in your marketing tactics to encourage us to use your service. Information would be a great first step!

Heather Yeats,

West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News