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LETTER: Be grateful to the police for the job they do

Don't malign officers for doing their job to catch the criminals among us: letter writer

Dear Editor,

Police officers are tasked with keeping all of our citizens safe and must be given the latitude to do their jobs as effectively as possible.

When there are criminal elements in our society that perpetrate crimes on our citizens it is the job of the police to apprehend those individuals.

As identification of people is not an exact science, it is perfectly reasonable to expect that a police officer may question you if you fit the description of a criminal that they are trying to find.

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People want to be informed if there are criminals at large, and who these people are, and what they look like in order to keep their families safe. Yet, they are complaining when the police do their jobs by trying to identify the criminal element.

This is not a racial issue, it is a safety issue.

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This maligning of police officers who are doing their jobs has got to stop.

It is when people are uncooperative and disrespect the authority of law enforcement that conflicts arise.

If you are innocent, then you have nothing to worry about by being questioned by law enforcement and should be thankful to our great men and women who are tasked with keeping us all safe.

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Arlene Laing, Langley


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