LETTER: Be sure to vote,  Green or otherwise

LETTER: Be sure to vote, Green or otherwise

Reader Andy Shadrack: "No one, but no one, has the right to tell you how to cast your ballot..."

“This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” (Polonius  to Laertes, Hamlet Act 1, scene 3, 78–82)

Since the outset of the federal election campaign, Bill Green’s canvass results have consistently shown that over 30 per cent of voters have been considering him for their MP. After the writ was dropped I noticed a shift to Green at the Creston Fall Fair. That expanded to include most of the East Kootenay after Bill’s brochure was delivered to every household across Kootenay-Columbia. And then, just like the EKOS and Nanos pollsters have found in BC, I noticed a further uptick in support for Bill when the Green Party launched its Vote Pledge campaign this past weekend.

In this election I have never talked to so many former Conservative voters who are looking for a new home, and to so many New Democrats who want to support Elizabeth May because she is the best Canadian political leader in decades. So I have only one observation to make to the voters of Nelson and the surrounding rural area: make sure, when you vote at the advance poll or on election day, that you remain true to yourselves.

You have a choice to make about what kind of Canada you want, what kind of MP you want to represent you, and what role you want Elizabeth May and the Green Party to play in your future. If you have not done so, check out Vision Green, the party platform, and the balanced budget on Bill’s website, as our children and grandchildren deserve the best. And then you choose how to vote.

No one, but no one, has the right to tell you how to cast your ballot, because it is your future and your country you are voting for. I have already voted Green, by special ballot. Please join me, and we can build a better future together.

Andy Shadrack


Nelson Star