
Letter: Berkey’s development must include trees

Phase one is arguably nothing but sprawl

Berkey’s development must include trees

Dear North Cowichan mayor and councillors:

Now that we see the first phase of the development at Berkey’s Corner, council can hopefully far better guide the landmark corner’s next phase — with prudent planning action to preserve trees on that southward site beside the new 49th Parallel store.

Phase one is arguably nothing but sprawl, naked of larger trees that once graced the Berkey’s site. Greenery could have been maintained for environmental and aesthetic purposes.

Instead, we have parking blacktop, plus a Tim Hortons with a exhaust-polluting drive-through — despite residents’ public-hearing pleas to the contrary.

It’s long overdue for our green-leaning council to take control of increasing sprawl that could eventually make North Cowichan sadly resemble Langford North.

A long-demanded tree protection bylaw would help address future uses of the Berkey’s site.

Also, I look forward to council finally erecting a way-finding sign at the roundabout to officially name ‘Berkey’s Corner’ for visitors, our busy first responders, and locals.

Yours in health and safety,

Peter W. Rusland,

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen