LETTER: Better location for homeless project

A much more decent buffer between businesses and schools

Re: Abbotsford Community Services’ proposal for a low-barrier recovery house.

In “Business assocaiton receives threat” (The News, July 16) Ron Santiago’s comment “respectful dialogue” made me think of both “barn door” and “horse.”

Why did it take over two years before neighbouring businesses, residents and a local elementary school were provided with even a hint of the plans ?  (The suggestion that this secrecy was mandated by B.C. Housing in no way reflects that corporation’s policy.)

Waiting till now to hold an information session displays a complete lack of respect – particularly if those directly affected are going to be told that no other location is possible.

If Fraser Health lands aren’t available, how about the empty city-owned lands (purchased at a cost of almost $5 million in tax dollars) across from the police station? That particular location provides a much more decent buffer between businesses and schools and is much closer to the ACS addiction services located on S. Fraser Way between Clearbrook and Countess.

It’s exceedingly sad that both those without homes and those operating downtown business are being used as pawns in this fiasco.

It’s well past time for the kings and queens to enter the game – it is up to them to ensure that controversial development is not foisted on those who work hard to pay their way.


Regina Dalton


Abbotsford News