Letter: Better transit service needed

Bus service and transportation needs to improve for those that don't drive or own cars

Dear Sir:

We all know the world revolves around oil and gas and fancy cars and shiny new pickup trucks.

However, there are a few of us who do not drive and rely on public transportation.

I wanted to attend a family event in Hazelton recently on the May holiday weekend and was shocked to learn that Greyhound had changed its schedule.

First they destroy our train travel and now we are being punished again.

The bus travelling east is fine, leaving at noon but the return trip is totally ridiculous – all along Highway 16 we would have to get up at 1, 2 or 3 a.m. and get to the bus depot – often in a snowstorm.

The bus leaves Hazelton at 4 a.m., arriving in Terrace at 6 a.m.

We would not be popular with family or friends or even leaving an expensive hotel room in the middle of the night, besides being dangerous.

Greyhound says ridership is down. Well, this is not difficult to understand.

It is no wonder these young people are hitchhiking. Living in the north definitely has benefits, but why do we have to be punished and why doesn’t anybody care?

Vi Timmerman is a resident of Terrace, B.C.

Terrace Standard