LETTER - Biased PR material being sent out gives pause for thought

LETTER – Biased PR material being sent out gives pause for thought

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

A number of pamphlets and brochures are being handed out out purportedly evaluating the differences between voting with First Past The Post (FPTP) versus Proportional Representation (PR).

Since the producers of this heavily biased material support PR and do not have the intestinal fortitude to admit authorship we must deduce this by seeing who benefits.

The government of B.C. has been either NDP or Liberal, who get elected for four years and then submit themselves to the voters who decide their fate based on their record.

So who benefits from this biased material being handed out? Only the minority parties, one of which has the balance of power in B.C.

Three MLAs can now, at their whim, send you to the polls anytime they please. So instead of perhaps 40 per cent forming a government that can get things done, you will have perhaps 15 per cent that can hamstring the government anytime they wish.

There goes progress in B.C. If the Greens had been in the decision-making process there would be no Site C dam being built to supply renewable power to our iPhones and the electric cars hopefully coming in much larger numbers soon, and there would be no $40 billion LNG terminal being built in Kitimat to supply much needed northern jobs and supply the cleanest available non renewable energy to Asia to replace dirty coal and oil.

Vote wisely. The future of B.C. is in your hands.

George Dennis


Comox Valley Record