LETTER: Bike lane is the tempest in the tea pot

Editor: I take a couple of weeks vacation and return to what can only be described as a tempest in a tea pot.

Recently a bike lane proposed for Aldergrove has been put on hold pending a review, the published comments have been mixed, the locals appear to be against the lane as bike riders in our area are at a minimum due to aging and the closeness of services that can be reached by good old walking, like the 87-year-old lady that walks by my house to Fraser Highway every day, rain or snow.

Yet a writer from Walnut Grove wants the lane to be built out of my tax contributions to the community. To the best of my recollection, I have never been to Walnut Grove and see no reason to go now.

Overall, I am please with all the various opinions regarding the happenings here in the Township. To me it shows the concerns the residents have with the action of our elected officials, apparently a do-nothing group of people until someone or thing pokes them with a sharp stick.

Are we not entering a lead up to municipal elections in a short while?

Terry Brenan,


Langley Times